Newspaperman Samuel D. Cox with A. B. Hayes, in their History of the City of Lincoln Nebraska (1889), included an account of the first of several attempts to develop a ...
In September of 1968 the demolition of Lincoln's Lindell Hotel, then called the Lindell Palace, marked the end of one of Nebraska's noted hotels. Located at Thirteenth ...
Nebraska voters adopted a prohibitory amendment to the state constitution in 1916, and it took effect in May 1917, two years before the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. ...
The presidential election of 1884 was a memorable one. Democrat Grover Cleveland narrowly defeated Republican James G. Blaine after a scandal-filled campaign. The ...
The Corner Grocery at 801 South 11th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. 1904
Increased consumer demand from Thanksgiving through New Year's has always been a boon to ...
Foster May (1905-52) was an aggressive, controversial, and colorful figure in Nebraska radio and politics during the 1930s and early 1940s. An informal summary of his ...
Memorial Stadium on the University of Nebraska campus in Lincoln commemorates the service men and women of World War I. It was constructed without state funding and was ...
Construction of the Midland Pacific Railroad, now a part of the Burlington system, was an attempt by Nebraska City to exploit the rich resources of the state's interior. ...
The failure of the Capital National Bank of Lincoln in January of 1893 occurred during a low point in Nebraska's business and political life. Legislative investigating ...
In the United States the celebration of the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day dates to efforts by Anna Jarvis to establish such a day honoring her own and other ...
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an ardent and articulate supporter of rights for women, campaignedtirelessly for women's suffrage. In June of 1871 she addressed "an intelligent, ...
"Nan Jane Aspinwall has successfully completed a ride on horseback from San Francisco to New York," said the Commoner (Lincoln), on July 28, 1911, in a brief paragraph ...