Horse racing has long been popular in Nebraska. Early newspapers include numerous accounts of such races, which took place in all parts of the state. The Omaha Daily ...
Omaha resident Joseph Barker described his New Year's Day activities in an 1869 letter to his parents in England: "On new year's day I went out calling with Frank ...
Clement C. Chase, pioneer Omaha resident and longtime editor of the Omaha Excelsior, on September 30, 1916, published in the Excelsior his recollections of early Omaha. ...
The Omaha Daily News, on December 31, 1900, reported on the city's plans to greet a new year. According to the News: "Amid imposing religious services, the ringing of ...
The arrival of the New Year of 1914 in Omaha was joyous but marred by minor shooting mishaps that authorities were anxious to eliminate. The Sunday World-Herald on ...
When the Nebraska State Board of Health released statistics in December 1912 on various aspects of life in this state, it probably didn't expect to provoke any ...
The noise level that accompanies urban life has been high for decades. The Mid-West Hotel Reporter, a publication for hotelkeepers, on August 2, 1919, discussed Omaha's ...
The spectacular balloon ascension sponsored by the Omaha Bee in July of 1875 as part of Omaha's Independence Day festivities was noted by historian A. T. Andreas several ...
Although Nebraska has never been a center of the garment industry, the state has always had some clothing factories. The February 15, 1896, issue of the Omaha Trade ...
Omaha in 1860 was only a shadow of what it would later become. Henry E. Palmer, a native of Wisconsin, crossed the Missouri River to Omaha on a steam ferry in March of ...
In the summer of 1867 Philippe Regis de Trobriand stopped in Omaha en route to take command of Fort Stevenson in Dakota Territory. A native of France who had served in ...
The Omaha Excelsior of September 30, 1916, published a number of recollections written by Omahans who had arrived in the city's earliest days. Among them was an account ...