The arrival of the New Year of 1914 in Omaha was joyous but marred by minor shooting mishaps that authorities were anxious to eliminate. The Sunday World-Herald on ...
The People's Party, commonly known as the Populist Party, was organized in St. Louis in 1892 and held its first national convention in Omaha that July. The party ...
Barbers, who once served only men, in the 1920s found that the advent of bobbed hair styles for women brought a new class of customer into their shops. The Sunday ...
In the summer of 1943 the United States was in the midst of World War II. The Sunday World-Herald Magazine on July 4 of that year in a special "Nebraska at War" edition ...
In the summer of 1943 the United States was in the midst of World War II. The Sunday World-Herald Magazine on July 4 of that year, in a special "Nebraska at War" ...
In the summer of 1943 the United States was in the midst of World War II. The Sunday World-Herald Magazine on July 4 of that year in a special "Nebraska at War" edition ...
World War II wasn’t just about far-off battlefields. The home front was also important. With farming disrupted in much of the world, and with many farm workers joining ...
Ziegfeld's Follies, stage spectaculars mounted by Broadway impresario Florenz "Flo" Ziegfeld from 1907 through 1931, featured prominent composers, elaborate costumes and ...