Lee James Dunn, 1861-1937 [RG2633.AM]


RG2633.AM:  Lee James Dunn, 1861-1937

Papers:  1891-1934

Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.:  Grain dealer; banker

Size:  1.0 cu.ft.; 2 boxes


Born December 21, 1861, in McKean, Pennsylvania, Lee James Dunn received his early education in the public schools of McKean at Waterford Academy. His higher education was obtained at the State Normal School in Edinborough, Pennsylvania, and at Wooster College in Wooster, Ohio. In 1886 he married Maude Enslow in Alexandria, Nebraska, where he was engaged in the grain business. He later became cashier of the State Bank of Alexandria, but he left that position to become secretary and treasurer of a savings and loan firm in St. Joseph, Missouri. From there he went to a similar post in Kansas City, Missouri. He returned to Nebraska to enter the grain and lumber business but soon continued his profession as banker. He was one of the incorporators of the City National Bank in Lincoln and for years served as an officer in the corporation. He was also treasurer of the Union Loan and Savings Association and the Security Mutual Life Insurance Company. He remained in the Loan business until his death in 1937.

Mr. Dunn’s civic activities were extensive. He was one of the organizers of Westminster Presbyterian Church and, for a time, trustee and treasurer. He was a member of the City Council where he served as chairman of the financial committee, chairman of the paving committee and president of the Council. His other elective office was trustee of Sanitary District No. 1, a position he held from 1928 to 1937. As a member of the Park Board, he was largely responsible for the origin and early development of the Antelope Park System. Other community organizations which claimed Mr. Dunn as a member included: Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Layman’s Club, Y.M.C.A., Round Table, and the Masons.


The Dunn papers consist of two boxes arranged in six series: 1) Correspondence, 2) Legal and financial file, 3) Stock certificates, 4) Real estate, 5) Family history, and 6) Miscellaneous material. Letters which have no direct relation to any of the several business enterprises of L.J. Dunn are located in the correspondence file. These consist of letters of recommendation, 1892, 1900; letters received by Mr. Dunn in his capacity as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sanitary District No. 1 in 1934; and family letters. The correspondence, legal papers and financial records contained in the legal and financial file are arranged alphabetically according to firm. The companies included in this series are: American Exchange Bank, Elmwood, Nebraska; City National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska; Dunn-Howard Grain Company, Dunn and Perrin Company; Farmers Bank of Fillmore County (Bank of Ohiowa) Nebraska; Furnas County Bank and Nebraska Brewing Company. These records span the years 1897 to 1916.

Series 3 and 4 complete the business records of L.J. Dunn. The stock certificates date from 1891 to 1911 and are arranged alphabetically by firm name. The real estate file contains abstracts of title, warrantee deeds, quit claim deeds, leases and bills of sale ranging in years from 1891-1928. Series 5 consists of a scrapbook compiled by Mr. L.J. Dunn containing the Dunn-Gray genealogy; family clippings and obituaries, 1815-1934; letters, 1925-1936, and memorabilia. The last series of this collection contains miscellaneous items, including membership cards, bills, and receipts. The Dunn papers relate to the business activities of Mr. Dunn as a Nebraska banker and grain dealer. The bulk of the material dates from 1898 to 1910. Of particular interest are the papers pertaining to the court case of Andrew Hoofer vs. American Exchange Bank of Elmwood and John Gerry Start, Cass County.


Series 1 – Correspondence

Box 1


    1. 1892, 1900, Letters of recommendation

    1. 1898 and 1900

    1. 1915, 1919, and 1929

    1. 1930-1934

    1. 1934; Letters received by Mr. Dunn in his capacity as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sanitary District No. l; two of the letters are from Congressman John H. Morehead.

    1. 1935-1938

    1. Undated or fragmentary

    1. Various Civil War letters of Charles C. Enslow, 1861-1865

Series 2 – Legal and Financial

Box 2


    1. 1908-1910; American Exchange Bank Elmwood, Nebraska; Correspondence between Mr. Dunn, director, and Edgar A. Stopher, president is included

      1908-1910; Correspondence and papers relating to the court case of Andrew Hoofer vs. American Exchange Bank of Elmwood and John Gerry Stark, Cass County

    1. 1899-1916; City National Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska, Correspondence and papers

    1. 1897-1898; Dunn-Howard Grain Company; Articles of incorporation; Land owned by company

    1. 1901-1902; Dunn and Perrin Company; Receipts, bills, records, etc

    1. 1901-1902; Dunn and Perrin Company; Receipts, bills, records, etc

    1. 1894-1910; Farmers Bank of Fillmore County, Ohiowa, Nebraska, (also known as Bank of Ohiowa); Correspondence and legal papers

    1. 1898; Furnas County Bank; Correspondence

    1. 1899-1904; Nebraska Brewing Company; Correspondence regarding the stock owned by Lee James Dunn in the business and a suit against the company by one of its creditors

    1. 1898-1915; Miscellaneous; Articles of incorporation of State Bank of Venango, Perkins County, Nebraska, 1909; Last will and testament of Maude Dunn, 1937

Series 3 – Stock Certificates

    1. 1899, Cook Milling and Grain Company

      1898, Dunn-Howard Grain Company

      1910-1911, Dunn-Kincaide Lumber and Coal Co.

      1892, Farms Bank of Custer County

      1891-1896, Farmers Bank of Fillmore County

Series 4 – Real Estate

    1. 1891-1928, Abstracts of title, warrantee deeds, quit claim deeds, mortgages, leases and bills of sale

Series 5 – Family History

    1. Scrapbook containing Dunn-Gray genealogy; clippings and obituaries, 1915-1934; letters 1925-1936, etc., compiled by Maude Enslow Dunn, 1932

    1. Notes and information on Dobbs, Dunn, Enslow families

    1. Genealogical scrapbook on the Howard-Sweet Families by Mrs. Dunn

Series 6 – Miscellaneous

    1. Membership cards to various organizations, household bills and receipts; poems

      Auditor’s report, city of Lincoln, Nebraska, April 1904


Subject headings:

American Exchange Bank (Elmwood, Neb.)

Bank of Ohiowa (Ohiowa, Neb.)

Banks and banking — Nebraska

City National Bank (Lincoln, Neb.)

Dobbs family

Dunn, Lee James, 1861-1937

Dunn family

Dunn and Perrin Company

Dunn-Howard Grain Company

Enslow, Charles Calvin

Enslow family

Farmers Bank of Filmore County (Ohiowa, Neb.)

Furnas County Bank (Furnas County, Neb.)


Gray family

Lincoln (Neb.) — Businesses

State Bank of Venango (Venango, Neb.)


DAB/HEK/sw   06-18-1966

Encoded TMM   03-31-2010

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