There were twenty-five or so “name” highways in Nebraska and on its periphery when the highway map first made its appearance. By 1924 Nebraska had instituted a series of numbers to designate principal highways. When the C and M Company copyrighted a “Mileage Map of the Best Roads of Nebraska” in 1924, it printed both highway numbers and the names of certain highways. Some of the roads listed on the 1924 map are:
Black Hills-Sioux Trail–Hot Springs, South Dakota, to Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Winner, Norfolk, and southeast. Cornhusker Highway–Wymore through Lincoln, Lyons, and Sioux City.
George Washington National Highway–Sioux City south to Fremont. Blue Pole Highway–Harrison, Chadron, Valentine, O’Neill, and southeast.
Detroit-Lincoln-Denver–Denver, Sterling, Colorado, through McCook, Hastings, Lincoln, and Omaha.
Goldenrod Highway–east from McCook, Red Cloud, and Fairbury. Midwest Highway–east and west through Fairbury.
Grainfield Highway–paralleling Platte River on north side, east of Central City. Lincoln Highway–through Kimball, Ogallala, North Platte, Kearney, Grand Island, Columbus, and Fremont.
Meridian Highway–north from Hebron to York, Columbus, Norfolk, Yankton, and South Dakota. North and South Pike–Franklin north through Kearney, Taylor, and Bassett.
North Platte Valley Highway–from Wyoming through Scottsbluff, Oshkosh, and North Platte. North Star Route–Sidney north through Bridgeport.
Potash Highway–east of Alliance through Antioch, Hyannis, Mullen, Thedford, and Broken Bow. Red Star Highway–north from Kansas through Arapahoe and Lexington.
Seward-York-Aurora–connecting towns named. Upland Highway–across lower Sand Hills from Broadwater through Arthur and Tryon.