Advertising trends, like most everything else, change with the times. The 1990s may be
known for subtle ads based on “the soft sell.” (There’s already an advertising series for a new
make of car that offers nary a glimpse of the automobile!)
Such pussy-footing was hardly the style a century ago. One Nebraska City merchant laid it
on the line with this announcement:
“I WANT MONEY AND I WANT IT BAD. This may be a blunt, hard, cold,
uncompromising statement, but it is fearfully true and the truth may as well be admitted. To
be still more frank, I WANT YOUR MONEY, and I warn you, I am taking steps to secure it
without a moment’s delay.
“To be candid about it, I will say that at first I was greatly puzzled to know how I could gain
possession but a plan has been devised which will lead you to GIVE IT UP CHEERFULLY
and freely, because you will greatly benefit yourself by so doing. The motive and the plan are
briefly stated as follows: I wish to convert my present stock into cash within the next thirty
days, for two reasons.
“First I want to take a large amount of cash to market, when I go to purchase my new spring
stock, as I can, by this means, be sure of getting the lowest market prices.
“Second, I must dispose of a large amount of goods to make room for this new stock.”
“Therefore, during the next thirty days every article in my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes,
and Rubber Goods will be sold without regard to profit or market value but at prices certain
to force them from my shelves at A GREAT SACRIFICE it is true, but at the same time
putting me in a position to more than make good the loss by increased facilities handling
spring goods.
“It is needless to remind thinking people that this action on my part will put before the public
ROYAL BARGAINS of unquestionable merit in a great variety of desirable goods. An
opportunity like this is seldom offered and never missed, it will fill the store with shrewd
buyers, who will find that any reasonable offer takes the goods. Will we see you among the
number? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Yours cordially and candidly, J. L. Bromley.”