The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition of 1898 attracted some 2.5 million visitors between June l and October 31, 1898. Highlights included displays of ...
Milton L. Trester (1843-1903), a pioneer resident of Lancaster County, was a native of Indiana. He first sought work in Nebraska in 1869 when travel and accommodations ...
The automobile and truck have had a profound effect upon agriculture and farm life. Since their appearance on American farms between 1913 and 1920, trucks have changed ...
Cocaine, and the physical, moral, and societal dangers inherent in its use, have been thesubject of recent news stories, magazine articles, television programs, and ...
"Where to spend my vacation is a problem which hundreds of Omaha minds are puzzling over just now," said the Omaha Daily News on July 18, 1909. The News told its ...
Although Valentine's Day and the sending of love messages associated with it have roots in antiquity, the exchange of comic valentines originated in the United States. ...
"St. Valentine's day, like Christmas, comes once a year," said the Omaha Daily Bee on February 15, 1891. "To the children it is a day of merriment. The old folks care ...
Paul Vandervoort (1846-1902), who once lived and worked in Omaha, is perhaps best remembered for the American colony he helped found in Cuba about 1900. Populated ...
Civil War physician Dr. Mary Walker (1832-1919) after the war became a writer and lecturer, touring the United States and abroad to speak on health, temperance, and ...
"Last summer I had the good fortune to spend a few weeks on a ranch in Northern Nebraska," wrote H. W., a student of Omaha High School in the school's High School ...
In an age of great showmen and traveling entertainers, William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody's Wild West eventually became a moving extravaganza, including not only cowboys and ...
Barbers, who once served only men, in the 1920s found that the advent of bobbed hair styles for women brought a new class of customer into their shops. The Sunday ...