In 1938 the United States celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the first airmail route by designating May 15-21 as National Air Mail Week. The main feature was ...
The Farm Magazine of Omaha on January 1, 1909, described an important agricultural fair recently held in the city. The second National Corn Exposition was brought about ...
The Depression years of the 1930s were hard times for many Nebraskans. Yet it was also atime of hope and expanding horizons. Personal transportation, in the form of ...
In 1897 Samuel E. Rogers, a former member of Nebraska's first territorial legislature of 1855, sent the Nebraska State Historical Society his brief recollections of each ...
Aviation pioneer Glenn H. Curtiss (1878-1930) when just a teenager demonstrated mechanical ability that led him to experiment first with balloons and later with ...
The Diamond Jubilee celebrated by Nebraska in early November of 1929 didn't mark Nebraska's seventy-fifth year as a state, but its seventy-fifth as a political unit. The ...
John G. Neihardt (1881-1973), named Nebraska poet laureate in 1921, enjoyed a growing literary reputation as his epic poems were published. He had early in life ...
The strange death of prominent Omaha physician and surgeon Frederick Rustin in September of 1908 ushered in a series of widely publicized events culminating in ...
Nebraska in the early 1890s suffered from protracted drought, and farm prices fell to new lows. Conditions were so unfavorable that immigration, which had more than ...
The history of modern greeting cards began in 1843 in England with the design of the first Christmas card. Easter cards were introduced somewhat later, but by 1887 ...
The English sparrow is one of the commonest birds in Nebraska and in the United States. It was brought to the U.S. in 1851, and to Nebraska in the 1870s. Several letters ...
Although Nebraska's first permanent theater, the Omaha Academy of Music, was not opened until 1867, there had been for a decade prior to this time sporadic theatrical ...