What We Found
Wounded Knee and the “Collector of Curios”
One Soldier’s Service: Caleb Benson in the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, 1875-1908
Bess Furman, Nebraska’s Front Page Girl: Her Formative Years
Spending the Indians’ Money: A Quantitative Case Study of Oto-Missouri Trust Fund Disbursements, 1855-1881
Steamboat Captain David L Keiser’s Recollections of Life on the Missouri
Evolution of Arbor Lodge, 1855-1904 (The)
Surveying in Western Nebraska: The 1883 Journal of Harley Nettleton
Nebraska’s Lost Battalion
White Lead Industry in Omaha, Nebraska (The)
Nebraska’s Women Photographers
Nebraska Clergymen, Franklin D Roosevelt, and the New Deal
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