What We Found
Omaha Vagrants and the Character of Western Hobo Labor, 1887-1913
Wounded Knee Interviews of Eli S Ricker (The)
John G Neihardt: Anniversary Tributes to Nebraska’s Poet Laureate
Mad Bear: William S Harney and the Sioux Expedition of 1855-1856
Above the World: William Jennings Bryan’s View of the American Nation in International Affairs
Devil Wagon Comes to Omaha (The): The First Decade of the Automobile, 1900-1910
19th Century Doctors on the Frontier and in Nebraska
Geography of Saunders County – Rural Cemeteries from 1859 (The)
Archeological View of Pawnee Origins (An)
Southwestern Periphery of the Plains Caddoan Area (The)
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