What We Found
Nebraska Homesteads Speak, Prize Stories of the 1938 Contest: The Story of a Government Land Claim in Nebraska, by Thurman A Smith; The Home in the Cedars, by Florence B Kortman; Thirty-two, Twenty-One, Seventeen, by Marcia C Smith
The Last Cowboy Raid of Kearney
Nebraska Pioneers, Prize Stories of the 1937 Contest: “Prairie Fire,” by Mrs. George Peck “West Point: A Pioneer Community,” by Frank Schmidt “George W Hummel: Pioneer Prairie Preacher,” by Emma Bargman
The Great Kearney Real Estate Boom
Explorations in Nebraska Archeology
Old Wyoming – Twenty-two Years in Keya Paha Madison, A Pioneer Nebraska Community
Latter-Day Saints Emigration from Wyoming, Nebraska-1864-1866
Biography of James Chambers
Events Remembered in the Life of Isaiah David Evans, by himself
Bruner and Neligh Families (The)
Beginning of Tobias, Nebraska (The)
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