What We Found
“A Shystering Fraud and Blatherskate”: Paul Vandervoort and Gilded Age Politics in Nebraska
The Restructuring of Great Plains Quakerism: Neo-Evangelicanism and the Creation of Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting of Friends Church
Willa Cather’s Real-Life Antonia on the Radio
Louise Vinciquerra, Nebraska’s Bootlegger Queen
Changing Consensus on the European Discovery of the Platte River
A Farmer’s Passion for Knowledge: Benton Aldrich and the Clifton Library Association
Postscript: See? Coronado Made It to Nebraska After All
“Then the Burnings Began”: Omaha’s Urban Revolts and the Meaning of Political Violence
The Walter Savidge Amusement Company
“c-h-i-h-u-a-h-u-a”: Jennifer Reinke’s 1967 National Spelling Bee Championship
Postscript: Bryan’s Angle of Repose
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