Take a peek inside the Kearney Cotton Mill in today’s Throwback Thursday Photograph. Construction on the Mill started in 1890 by the Cumnock brothers (A. G., John, J. ...
Government workers will soon be enumerating Nebraskans for the 1990 Census. Results willhave practical implications--including possible refiguring of Congressional ...
Abraham Lincoln's birthday in February of 1925 was celebrated by the History Club of Kearney State Teachers College with a dinner attended not only by members of the ...
On April 7, 1871, a Union Pacific emigrant train, bearing the members of the Soldier's Free Homestead Colony, arrived at Gibbon siding in Buffalo County and switched off ...
"Among the insects which do great damage are grasshoppers, and these are especially numerous this season," said The Western Stockman and Cultivator (Omaha), July 15, ...
The 1870s are remembered as grasshopper years in Nebraska, although the insects visited the state on a number of occasions over the years since 1857, doing more or less ...
"The year 1932, now fast drawing to its close, may have seen a lot of big events go down in the history of the world," said the Kearney Daily Hub on December 31, 1932. ...
Nebraska's first producing oil well was drilled in Richardson County in 1940, but prior to that date some drilling had been done in other parts of the state. One such ...
The summer of 1894 was a disastrous one for Nebraska. Faced with almost total crop loss due to drought, farmers sold or mortgaged property, turned loose livestock to ...
Emory Wyman (1834-1929), a resident of Shelton in Buffalo County, was elected to the Nebraska House of Representatives as a Fusion candidate in 1898. Once seated, he ...
James E. Boyd (1834-1906), best remembered as one of Nebraska's governors, also had a distinguished business and political career. He came to Omaha in August 1856 and ...
In the spring of 1876 Congress passed a resolution asking individual counties and towns in the U.S. to compile their histories and to have them read at local Fourth of ...