"The Texas cattle trade has increased wonderfully in Nebraska within the past three or four years," said the August 7, 1875, Omaha Daily Bee, "and this morning a ...
Railroad cars have been used to transport livestock since the 1830s, but until about 1860, the majority of shipments were made in conventional boxcars that had been ...
Cattleman James H. Cook first came to Nebraska in 1876 when he helped drive a herd of cattle from Texas. In 1911 he recalled this event: "In the year 1876 I helped to ...
In 1907 rancher James H. Cook described his experiences herding cattle from Texas to Nebraska to Eli S. Ricker. While Cook talked Ricker recorded the story in a ...
By the mid-1870s Nebraska’s open-range cattle industry, centered in the western Platte Valley and the Panhandle, was experiencing growing pains. Concerns ...
For a short period of time, cattle drives were big business in Nebraska. After the Civil War ended in 1865, growing demand for beef plus a surplus of longhorn cattle in ...
In 1963 the Roberts Dairy Company of Omaha conducted a two-week survival test for thirty-five cows, one bull, and two unfortunate university students in a concrete ...
Soon after the end of the Civil War, Texas cattle began making their way north to Omaha. At first, the herds were 500 strong but by 1875 a herd of 4000 was fairly ...