Note: This was originally a column written by History Nebraska staff in November 1999 and distributed by the Nebraska Press Association to Nebraska ...
Willa Cather is sometimes remembered by biographers as cantankerous and reclusive. While acknowledged to be accessible to close friends and family members, she was ...
Early Nebraska newspapers sometimes published special holiday editions, consisting of seasonal stories, essays, and poems, with competition between rival papers to put ...
According to the Niobrara Pioneer of December 28, 1876, local weather was appropriate for the Yuletide season. Snow on Christmas Eve "made Christmas appear more as if ...
The Army and Navy Journal, a publication for officers and enlisted men, often published letters by correspondents from military posts throughout the West. Occasional ...
Fort Robinson provides the following holiday story of devotion and courage. It can be found in A Frontier Army Christmas, a new book published by the Nebraska State ...
Andrew S. Wadsworth in 1898 went with the First Nebraska Regiment to the Philippines as a soldier in the first phase of the Spanish American War. He had previously been ...
Although the most popular toys for the current holiday season are electronic, more than a century ago the toys in Santa's pack were likely to be mechanical. The Lincoln ...
Amos Edwin Donnell, Sherman County homesteader, left a record of his activities between 1884 and 1888 in the form of letters written to his parents in Missouri. The ...
By the 1880s the arrival of Santa Claus marked the opening of the holiday shopping season in Omaha department stores. The Hayden Brothers store sponsored an annual ...
"One great trouble with the Christmas business," remarked the Nebraska State Journal of December 24, 1892, "is the habit formed by the great unthinking public of waiting ...
The increasing length of the holiday shopping season has been a trend for many decades. Decorations seem to go up earlier in stores with each passing year. Seasonal ...