RG5000.AM: Vertical Files
Records, papers, etc.:
Size: 13.5 cu.ft.; 14 boxes
The Vertical Files collection is organized alphabetically and contains information on a wide variety of subjects, people, businesses, organizations, etc. The information contained in the collection was compiled from various sources and may include pamphlets, brochures, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, maps, biographies, advertisements and/or miscellaneous other ephemera.
Note: There is a second vertical file containing general information about various counties and towns in Nebraska.
Box 1
551st Strategic Missile Squadron Association
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Bridge (Blair, Neb.)
Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska (AFCON)
Academies — Nebraska
Action Coordinating Team
Agriculture — Statistics
American Indian Center of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.)
American Indian Movement (includes clippings about AIM Wounded Knee occupation trials)
American Interprofessional Institute
American Red Cross
American Study Forum (Omaha, Neb.)
American Veterans Committee. Lincoln Chapter, George W. Norris Chapter
Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (North Platte, Neb.)
Ancient Order of United Workman — Nebraska
Arbor Day
Arrow Airport (Lincoln, Neb.)
Ashby, Lyle Walter, 1905-1996
Association of Grocers and Meat Dealers (Lincoln, Neb.)
Association of Nebraska Community Action Agencies, Inc.
Audubon Naturalists Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Automobile Dealers and Suppliers
Box 2
Bader, Lawrence Joseph
Baird, Bil
Baker Ice Machine Company (Omaha, Neb.)
Baker, James Hiram, 1880-
Baled-hay house
Ballantyne Company (Omaha, Neb.)
Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska
Banks — Nebraska
Baptist Church (Belmont, Neb.)
Barnard, Harry Everett
Barrows, Pelham A.
Bartos, Stanley, 1883-1966
Bauer, John
Beach, Charles Carol, 1846-
Beaver Creek Sheep Ranch
Beets and beet sugar
Belmont Community Center (Lincoln, Neb.)
Bennett, Anne (McGrew), 1903-1986
Bennett, Wilbur Van Horne
Berry, Arelias B., 1880-1935
Bicycle Ride Across Nebraska (BRAN)
Birds — Nebraska
Bixby, Ammi Leander, 1856-1934
Blacks in Nebraska
Blacksmith Museum (Lincoln, Neb.)
Blizzards (see also OB008)
Bloomington Town Company (Bloomington, Neb.)
Blue agate (Nebraska state gemstone)
Blue and Gray Reunion Committee
Blue Star Memorial Highways
Bolte Manufacturing Company (Kearney, Neb.)
Boy Scouts of America
Boys Town
Bristow, Julia J.
Bross, Harmon
Brownell family
Bruce, Lars, 1877-1958
Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925
Bryan Memorial Hospital
Bryant, James Howard, 1866-
Box 3
Buckner, James Dysart Monroe, 1855-
Buechler, August F.
Buffalo Bill Rodeo (North Platte, Neb.)
Buffalo hunting
Bullock Brothers (Lincoln, Neb.)
Bures, Vaclav
Burke, Edward Raymond, 1880-1968
Burke, Harry A., 1896-1962
Burns, Joseph
Bus accidents
Business Mens Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Buster, William Marion, 1838-1923
C.A. Swanson & Sons (Omaha, Neb.)
California Lunch Room (Lincoln, Neb.)
Campbell, Jacob Newton, 1864-
Canary, Martha Jane, 1852-1903
Capital City Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle (Lincoln, Neb.)
Carpenter, Terry
Carson, Johnny
Cathedral High School (Lincoln, Neb.)
Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Cattle brands — Nebraska
Cavett, Dick
Cayou, Frank (Francis M.), 1878-1948
Cedars Home for Children (Lincoln, Neb.)
Centennial — Nebraska — Lincoln
Centennial — Nebraska — Statehood
Centennial — Nebraska — Territorial
Center for Rural Affairs
Central High School (Lincoln, Neb.) WWII Memorial
Central Nebraska Great Lakes Association
Chadron State Normal School (Chadron, Neb.)
Chase, Jackson B.
Chautauqua — Nebraska City, 1908
Child Saving Institute (Omaha, Neb.)
Children’s Code Commission (Neb.)
Christian Record Benevolent Association, Inc.
Churches, Baptist
Churches, Catholic
Churches, Christian Science
Churches, Community
Churches, Congregational
Box 4
Churches, Covenant
Churches, Disciples of Christ
Churches, Episcopal
Churches, Federated
Churches, Lutheran
Churches, Methodist
Churches, Presbyterian
Churches, Reformed
Churches, Seventh-Day Adventist
Churches, United Brethren
Churches, United Church of Christ
Citizens for Nebraska’s Future
Citizens’ Movement for Human Rights (Lincoln, Neb.)
Citizens Street Improvement Committee (Lincoln, Neb.)
Civilian Conservation Corps
Clark, Neil McCullough
Clayburn, Henry
Cline, Kenneth
Club, The (Lincoln, Neb.)
Cobbey, Joseph Elliott, 1854-1911
Committee for Better Local Government in Nebraska
Community Improvement Program
Community Peacemakers (Lincoln, Neb.)
Conference on County Government in Nebraska
Congress of Freedom, Inc. (Omaha, Neb.)
Cook, Harold James, 1887-
Cook, James Henry, 1857-1942
Cooperative movement
Corn Tassel National Emblem Association
Cornell, Fred D., ca. 1869-1942
Council of Women’s State Organizations
County seat fights
Covered Wagon, The (motion picture)
Covered Wagon Centennial, 1930
Crazy Horse Cultural Center of Northwestern Nebraska
Credit Bureau of Lincoln, Nebraska
Credit unions — Nebraska
Crime and criminals
Crowe, Patrick T. (See Cudahy, Edward A.)
Crowell Memorial Home
Croxton, John H.
Crusade for Freedom — Nebraska
Crusaders — Nebraska
Crystal Waterproofing Company of Nebraska
Cuban Land and Steamship Company
Cudahy, Edward A. (kidnapping of)
Curran, Sterritt M., 1832?-1880
Custer County (Neb.) — Newspapers — History
Czechs in Nebraska
Box 5
Daly, Joseph E.
Dams and reservoirs
Dancing Leaf Medicine Wheel (see oversize)
Davison, Charles M., 1907-1974 (see oversize)
Dean, Mary L.
Defense Day, 1924
Dejarnette, Major B.
Democratic Party — Seward County
Denmark’s Daughters (Lincoln, Neb.)
Dern, George Henry, 1872-1936
Deshler Broom Factory (Deshler, Neb.)
Detroit, Lincoln and Denver Highway Association
Dickinson, William W.
Doane College
Dobry, James
Donavan House
Douglas County Association of Nebraska Pioneers
Dover, Sylvia May (Groff), 1869-1960
Drainage District #1 (Richardson County, Neb.)
Dry farming
Duras, Victor Hugo, 1880-1943
Dyer, Jr., W. Earl
Eastern Star, Order of the
Education — Nebraska
Educational Council of Nebraska
Elastic Stop Nut Corporation
Elections — Nebraska, 1884
Elections — Nebraska, 1966
Elections — Nebraska, 1972
Elections — Nebraska — Contests
Electric cooperatives
Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order Of
Emigration and Immigration — Nebraska
Engineers Club of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.)
Entwistle, ?
Enyart, Logan, 1831-1912
Epworth League, Nebraska Conference
Estabrook, Henry D.
Estey, William Andrew, 1835-1913
Estray horses
Fairbrother, Al, 1860-1930
Family Service Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Farm Mobilization Day
Farmer-Labor Party — Nebraska
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company
Farmers’ Mutual Canal Company (Scottsbluff, Nebraska)
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nebraska
Farmers National Company (Omaha, Neb.)
Farmers & Merchants Insurance Company (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Farris, James Robert, 1875-1955
Federated Garden Clubs of Nebraska
Field Club of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.)
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958
Fitzpatrick, Thomas Jefferson, 1868-1952
Fleming Manufacturing Company (Hastings, Neb.)
Floods — Republican Valley
Box 6
Fontenelle Forest
Ford, Gerald Rudolph, Jr., 1913-
Fort Butler, Nebraska
Fort Montrose, Nebraska
Fort Randall, South Dakota
Fortnightly Club of Lincoln
Fouts, William D., Ca. 1816-1865
Freedom Volunteers
Freeman, Daniel, 1826-1908
Fremont, Elkhorn, and Missouri Valley Railroad
Fry, Edwin Augustus, 1851-1936
Galveston, Texas
Gaslin, William, 1827-1910
General German Colonization Society
German American National Bund. Nebraska
German-American Alliance of Nebraska
Germans in Nebraska
Ghost towns
Giddings, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1816-1897
Gillaspie, Robert F. “Arkansas Bob,” 1861-1906
Gillett & Strong (North Platte, Neb.)
Goding, Luther L., 1884-1995
Gooch Flour Mill (Lincoln, Neb.)
Good, Edward E., 1862-1937
Goodwill Industries
Goss, Charles A., 1863-1938
Gould, Charlotte A., Ca. 1843-1929
Grand Army of the Republic
Great Plains Prairie Parkway
Great Platte River Road Archway Monument (Kearney, Neb.)
Greater America Exposition
Green, C.A.
Greenback Party
Grief Center (Lincoln, Neb.)
Guarantee Fund Life Association (Omaha, Neb.)
Gunn, Lucian L.
Gurney, Harlan A.
Gymnastic Unit Sokolice Omaha
Haas, Charles C.
Hagenow, August, 1859-1948
Hail, Susan O., 1818-1852
Hall, Ruth Gaines
Hamilton, Judge Charles C.
Hammond, A.H.
Hanscom Park Garden Club (Omaha, Neb.)
Hanson, Fred T.
Hanson, Howard Harold, 1896-1981
Hanson, James Ferdinand, 1857-1930
Happy Hour Club (Louisville, Neb.)
Hardy, Albert Howard, -1950
Harrop, Roy M., ca. 1884-1971
Hastings, George Henry, 1848-1926
Box 7
Hattie B. Munroe Home for Convalescing Crippled Children (Omaha, Neb.)
Hawxby, Frederick George, 1871-1954
Hay calculator
Hedges, Jesse W., -1911
Helmer, Adolph R.
Higgins, Andrew J. (Andrew Jackson), 1886-1952
Highway 70
Highway Maintainer Company (Havelock, Neb.)
Hillcrest Country Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Hiram Scott College
Hirsch, M. Mathilde, 1882-1952
Hoffmeister, Max
Home building
Home for The Friendless (Lincoln, Neb.)
Homestead National Monument of America
Hopping, Mary E.
Hospitals — Nebraska
Hotel Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.)
Housing — Nebraska — Lincoln
Howard’s Day
Howe, Edgar Watson, 1853-1937
Huguenot Society of Nebraska
Human Betterment League of Nebraska
Humphrey, Hubert Horatio, 1911-1978
Hunt, Robert Sanford, 1872-1957
Imperial Order of Muscovites (North Platte, Neb.)
Independent Order of Odd Fellows (various lodges)
Indians of North America — Government relations
Indians of North America — Missions
International Friendship, Mayor’s Committee for (Lincoln, Neb.)
Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company
Irish, Orsamus H., 1831-1883
J.C. Robinson Seed Company (Waterloo, Neb.)
Jack, Olive Maude, -1940
James, Jesse Woodson, 1847-1882
Jeambey, Edward Louis, 1893-1974
Jeary, Clark, 1892-1959
Jeffersonian Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Jenks, William
Johnson, Alvin Saunders, 1874-1971
Joy, Oliver Terrill, 1902-1987
Junior League of Omaha
Juvenile courts
Kano, Hiram Hisanori
Kansas-Nebraska Act (see also oversize)
Kemeys, Edward, 1843-1907
Kennedy, Robert Francis, 1925-1968
Kilroy, Joseph A.
Kinkaid Act
Kiwanis Club
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
Knights of Pythias (Fremont, Neb.)
Knights of Pythias (Neb.)
KOLN Television (Lincoln, Neb.)
Kooser, Ted, 1939-
Ku Klux Klan
Kuroki, Ben
Box 8
Ladies Columbian Reading Club (Rushville, Neb.)
Lancaster County Cemetery Association
Lancaster County Council of Veterans Affairs
Lancaster County Historical Society (Lancaster County, Neb.)
Lancaster County Tuberculosis Association (Lancaster County, Neb.)
Lavender, Luke, Ca. 1817-1894
League of Nations Associations (Neb.)
League to Enforce Peace, Nebraska Committee
Lee, Don Arthur, 1917-1953
Legislative Farm Bloc
Liberty Amendment
Liberty Bell
Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963
Lincoln Academy (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Aeronautical Institute (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Alliance (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Bar Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Baseball Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Book Fair (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Boys Choir (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Cathedral (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Civic Progress Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Coin Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Community Chest (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Conference on World Affairs (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Co-operative Health Association, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Council Manager League (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Council on Human Relations (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Country Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Folk and Square Dance Council (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln High School (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Highway
Lincoln Inaction
Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Monument
Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Oratorio Society (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Photo Supply Company (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Post Office (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Press Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Rotary Club #14 (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Singfest Committee (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Teachers Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Box 9
Loup City riot, 1934 (Loup City, Neb.)
Love, Don L., 1863-1940
Luckey, Henry Carl
Luedtke, Roland A., 1924-
Luther College (Wahoo, Neb.)
Lutheran Welfare Council of Nebraska
Magee, Wayland Wells, 1881-
Magna Charta Dames (Neb.)
Magoon, Charles E., 1861-1920
Mallalieu University (Bartley, Neb.)
Malone Community Center (Lincoln, Neb.)
Mann, Newton M., 1836-1926
Marietta Town Company
Marquett, Turner Martin, 1829-1894
Marshall Company (Arlington, Neb.)
Martin, Bennett S.
Massacre Canyon
Matinee Musicale (Lincoln, Neb.)
McAnulty, George W., 1852-1940
McCarthy, Eugene, 1916-
McCarty, Luther, 1892-1913
McConihe, John, 1834-1864
McKelvie Family
McPherson Normal College (Republican City, Neb.)
Medals, Nebraska Indian War
Medicine — History — Nebraska — Omaha
Medicine Creek Reservoir (Neb.)
Meier, Henry A., 1874-1953
Memorial Athenaeum International (Lincoln, Neb.)
Mercer, David Henry, 1857-1919
Merry Manor School of Childhood (Lincoln, Neb.)
Metropolitan Utilities District (Omaha, Neb.)
Middleton, Doc (David Cherry), 1849-1913
Midwest Bible School (Auburn, Neb.)
Midwest Life Insurance Company (Lincoln, Neb.)
Miles, Clarence Gillespie, 1887-1959
Military education
Mill Boy (Civil War steamship)
Miller, Louise Tinsley
Mills and mill-work
Milner, Moses Embree “California Joe,” 1829-1876
Mirage Flats Irrigation Project
Miss Nebraska Pageant
Missouri River navigation
Missouri River Navigation Association
Missouri Valley Authority
Mormons — Nebraska
Morning, William McClellan, 1863-1924
Morrill, Charles Henry, ca. 1843-1928
Mosby, John S., 1833-1916
Movius, Clemens, 1870-1966
Munger family
Mutual Insurance Companies
Mutual Live Stock Commission Company (Omaha, Neb.)
Myers, Frank A., 1880-1962(?)
Box 10
Names, geographical — Nebraska
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Inc.
National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations — Nebraska
National Creamery Buttermakers’ Association
National Editorial Association
National Guard Association of Nebraska
National Red Stamp Co.
National Seed & Import Co. (Omaha, Neb.)
Near South Neighborhood Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Nebraska — Description and travel
Nebraska Advertising Commission
Nebraska Alumni Association of Workers for the Blind
Nebraska Archery Association
Nebraska Architect’s Association
Nebraska Association
Nebraska Association of Meat Processors
Nebraska Association of Postmasters
Nebraska Association of Retired School Personnel (NARSP)
Nebraska Association of School Boards
Nebraska Association of Small Loan Companies (Lincoln, Neb.)
Nebraska Business Hall of Fame
Nebraska Census Records
Nebraska Children’s Home Society (Omaha, Nebraska)
Nebraska Christian Endeavor Union
Nebraska Citizens Committee for the Nebraska Merit Plan
Nebraska City Academy (Nebraska City, Neb.)
Nebraska City News (Nebraska City, Neb.)
Nebraska City Bridge (Nebraska City, Neb.) (see oversize)
Nebraska City Pontoon Bridge (Nebraska City, Neb.)
Nebraska Committee for Economic Freedom (Lincoln, Neb.)
Nebraska Conference in the Interest of Religious Education
Nebraska Consolidated Communications Corporation (Lincoln, Neb.)
Nebraska Crop Growers’ Association
Nebraska Diamond Jubilee Celebration
Nebraska Direct Legislation League
Nebraska Educational League
Nebraska Emergency Relief Administration
Nebraska Epworth Assembly
Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation
Nebraska Farmers Union (see also oversize)
Nebraska Folk and Square Dance Association
Nebraska Folklore Society
Nebraska Foreign Language Association
Nebraska Gasoline Tax Exemption Association
Nebraska Good Roads Association (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Nebraska High School Athletic Association
Nebraska High School Debating League
Nebraska Honey Producers Association
Nebraska Legislative League
Nebraska Marching Band Festival
Nebraska Motel Association
Nebraska Motor Carriers’ Association
Nebraska Music Teachers Association
Nebraska National Forest (Halsey, Neb.)
Nebraska National Guard
Nebraska Navy
Nebraska Old Age Pension Association
Nebraska Optometric Association
Nebraska Ornithologists Union
Nebraska Peace Celebration Commission
Nebraska Petroleum Council
Nebraska Pioneers in Tax and Debt Freedom
Nebraska Pork Producers Association
Nebraska Prairie Appreciation Week
Nebraska Public Radio
Nebraska Reclamation Association
Nebraska Semi-Centennial Celebration
Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants
Nebraska State Custodians Association
Nebraska State Employment Service
Box 11
Nebraska State Highway Road Marker
Nebraska State Retired Teachers Association
Nebraska State Square & Round Dance Association
Nebraska Sunday School Association
Nebraska Tax Facts Committee
Nebraska Tobacco Growers Association
Nebraska Welcoming Committee
Nebraska Women’s Educational Club
Nebraska Young Americans for Freedom
Nebraska: The State of Opportunity
NEBRASKAland Youth Hostel Club
Neighborhood Youth Corps
Newspaper Carriers’ Annual New Year’s Day Addresses (see also oversize)
Nineteenth Century Club (Kearney, Neb.)
Niobrara River
Niobrara Valley I.O.O.F. Association (Lynch, Neb.)
Norfolk Business College (Norfolk, Neb.)
North Platte Valley Water Users Association
Nursery Hill Monument (Syracuse, Neb.)
Nursing homes
Occupy Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.)
Offutt Air Force Base (Omaha, Neb.)
Oil — Nebraska
Old Oregon Trail Centennial, 1943
Olive, Isom Prentice, 1839?-1886
Omaha Athletic Club (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Business Woman’s Club (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Centennial Committee (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Chamber of Commerce (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha City Mission Society (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Community Chest (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Home for Boys (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha Indians
Omaha Industrial Foundation (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha tornado, 1913
Omaha Tribal Historical Research Project, Inc. (OTHRP)
Omaha Woman’s Club (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha World Herald (Omaha, Neb.)
Omaha, Neb. — Politics and government
Oregon Trail
Oregon Trail Memorial Association
Orme, Fern Hubbard, 1903-
Otoe and Missouria Indians
Page, John C.
Paine, Bartlett L., Ca 1855-1921
Pawnee Indians
Pennsylvania Society of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.)
Pershing Auditorium (Lincoln Neb.) [See also the dedication program]
Pettis, Marian
Box 12
Pierce, W.P.
Pioneer Gavel Club #48 (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Pla-Co Pork Producers
Platte Institute for Economic Research
Platte River Whooping Crane Habitat Maintenance Trust, Inc.
Platte Valley’s Civic Music Association (Big Springs, Neb.)
Port Huron Machinery & Supply Co. (Lincoln, Neb.)
Postal history — Nebraska
Poynter, William Amos, 1848-1909
Price, Thomas E., 1839-
Prisoner of war (POW) camps (Neb.)
Progress for Nebraska with LB1059 Committee
Railroad Brotherhoods
Railroads — Nebraska
Randolph High School (Randolph, Neb.)
Rankin, David, 1825-1910 (PDF)
Ravenscroft, Thurl Arthur, 1914-2005
Red Cockatoo, The
Reeves, Elmer Howard
Register Cliff
Rehabilitation Association of Nebraska
Republican Valley — Nebraska — History
Richardson County Teachers Association (Richardson County, Neb.)
Righter, Charles Boardman, 1896-1997
Riverfront Communities Development Foundation (Omaha, Neb.) [see also OB008]
Rivington, Tom, 1850-1939
Roads — Nebraska
Robber’s Cave (Lincoln, Neb.)
Robinette Farms (Martell, Neb.)
Rohde, Ruth Bryan Owen, 1885-1954
Round Table Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Rowbotham, Richard (Barney), 1898-1968
Rural Electrification Administration
Salt-Wahoo Watershed District
Sandhills — Nebraska
Scandinavian-Americans — Nebraska
Schoolhouses — Travelling
Schudel, Paul M.
Scott, Barrett, 1842-1894
Scott, John Tucker
Scully, William, -1906
Seacrest, Joseph Classett, 1864-1942
Seaton, Frederick Andrew, 1909-1974
Seeman, Marlin L., ca. 1946-
Selective Service
Shackelford, Harry W.
Shaeffer, Harry M.
Shepherd & Gosney (Nebraska City, Neb.)
Sigma Delta Chi (Neb.)
Simants, Erwin Charles
Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Company
Box 13
Sioux Indians
Sioux Lookout
Sitgreaves, Lorenzo, 1827-1888
Smith, Andrew J., 1820s-1872
Smith, William Henry, 1873-1954
Smoke Signal Sculpture (Pioneers Park)
Soap box derby
Social Welfare Society (Lincoln, Neb.)
Sod House Society
Solar energy
Songs — Nebraska
South Platte United Chambers of Commerce
Southeast Nebraska Travel Council
Southeastern Nebraska Educational Association
St. Elizabeth Community Health Center (Lincoln, Neb.)
Stage coaches and lines
Steam wagon
Steam Wagon Road
Stolley State Park (Grand Island, Neb.)
Strobel, J.G., Jr.
Stryker, Harold B., 1915-
Sutton Telephone Company (Sutton, Neb.)
Tabitha Home (Lincoln, Neb.)
Taggart, John Miller, 1818-1887
Talbot, Adolphus Robert, 1859-1944
Taxation — Nebraska
Tercentenary Celebration of the Landing of the Pilgrims
Terms of Endearment
Thomas, E.A.
Thompson, David Eugene, 1854-1942
Thompson, William H.
Thomson, Leon
Tintern Monastery (Oakdale, Neb.)
Towle, Maxwell G., 1889-1969
Tree Planting
Tucker, John William (“Wild Bill”), 1892-
Twelve Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
U.S. Naval Ammunition Depot (Hastings, Neb.)
Ukrainian-Americans — Nebraska
Union Pacific Mutual Aid Association
United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission
United States. Farm Security Administration
Unity Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Unthank, Oliver Nixon, 1842-1928
USS Nebraska
Vestey, Lady Evelyn Brodstone, 1875-1941
Vietnam Conflict
Wade, Albert (“Kid”), -1884
Wagon Box Fight (Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming)
Walker, George E., 1889-1974
Walker’s Ranch (Kearney County, Neb.)
Wallace, Fred S., 1887-1957
Wallace, George Corley, 1919-
Box 14
Wallis, William (see also oversize)
Wamsley, Clarence Leroy “Brownie,” 1924-1997
Wanzer, Nancy Howe Leach, -1891
Watson, John C., 1850-1916
Watson, Woods Brothers, and Kelly Co. (Lincoln, Neb.)
Wattles, Gurdon Wallace, 1855-1932
Wayne County Teachers’ Institute (Wayne County, Neb.)
Weaver, Arthur J., 1873-1945
Webster, John Lee, ca. 1847-1929
Weekes family
Welsh Americans — Nebraska
Welsch, Roger
Weltfish, Gene, 1902-
Western Celt (Omaha, Neb.)
Western Mutual Benevolent Association (Beatrice, Neb.)
Westside Community Schools (Omaha, Neb.)
Wiggenjost, A. Oscar
Wiles, Isaac, 1830-1921
Wilson, William Lewis
Winkler, Joy
Winnebago Indians
Witherbee Neighborhood Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Women’s Club (West Point, Neb.)
Woodmen Accident and Life Company (Lincoln, Neb.)
Woods, Frank Henry, 1868-1952
Woods, Ralph Emerson, 1882-1956
Wounded Knee
Wyoming Stock Growers Association (see also oversize)
York Lodge No. 56, A.F. & A.M. (York, Neb.)
Young, Gladwin E., 1900-1973
Zion Bohemian Presbyterian Church (Colfax County, Neb.)
Revised TMM 01-07-2009; 5-09-2016