Digital Resources List
Digital Resources List
The list below contains the current digital resources available from all History Nebraska departments and teams. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all resources available. If you cannot find something specific to your needs, please contact the department on our Contact Us page. If you are looking for the list of past Nebraska History Magazine articles, please click here.
Title | Department | Content | Resource Type | Link | Grade Level | hf:doc_categories |
“Would You Have Voted to Create the Nebraska Unicameral?” DBQ | Education | Students will use primary sources from the NSHS archives to decide if they would have voted to create Nebraska’s Unicameral in 1934. Lesson includes a contextual essay, four documents from the NSHS archives, essay prompt, and answer key. | Document-Based Question Lesson | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
2021 NHTC Economic Impact Study | Historic Preservation | This study, conducted by the Bureau of Business Research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, outlines the economic impact of the Nebraska Historic Tax Credit (NHTC) program. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
5-Year Preservation Plan | Historic Preservation | This document outlines the current 5-year preservation plan for the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
Appraiser Information | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Archeological Consultants List | Historic Preservation | Document | historic-preservation | |||
Archeological Contractor Application Form | Historic Preservation | Form | historic-preservation | |||
Archeological Curation Request | Archeology | For a fee, the Nebraska State Historical Society may ensure the long-term curation and management of collections and records from undertakings within the state. Acceptance of such collections is contingent upon several factors, including available space, adherence to NSHS curation standards, legal title status, and approval by NSHS’s Collections Committee. Please use this form to provide the information that is applicable to your request. | Form | archeology | ||
Archeological Records Search Request Information | Archeology | This document will aid in your request for archeological records for a specific site. | Document | archeology | ||
Archeological Site Form | Archeology | This form is utilized to catalog a new or existing archeological site in Nebraska. | Form | archeology | ||
Bison in Nebraska Kahoot | Education | Test your knowledge about the North American Bison. | Kahoot | Fourth Grade | education | |
Blanket Supports | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Books, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Books, Dusting | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Common CAP Recommendations | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Conservation Suppliers | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Consultants List | Historic Preservation | The consultants on this list have expressed interest in providing professional services in the identification, evaluation, and treatment of Nebraska’s cultural resources and have asked to be listed. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive and is open to consultants who represent themselves as meeting professional qualification standards (36 CFR 61). If you are a professional consultant interested in being included on this list, please submit a completed form available on the NeSHPO webpage. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
Copper Alloy, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Cradleboard Supports | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Crayon Enlargements, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Developing a Disaster Preparedness Emergency Response Plan | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Directory of Craftspeople | Historic Preservation | This directory is a resource for products or services of companies/individuals with experience in preserving and rehabilitating historic properties. These companies/individuals have requested or consented to be placed on this list. The Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office is not endorsing any of these companies or individuals. We strongly recommend checking references, reviewing previous projects, and conducting careful interviews with prospective providers. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
Disaster Response and Recovery Guides | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Documents, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation (PlaceEconomic) | Historic Preservation | PlaceEconomics is a private sector firm with over thirty years of experience conducting thorough and robust analyses of the economic impacts of historic preservation. | External Site | historic-preservation | ||
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Emergency Preparedness | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Emergency Salvage of Wet Books and Records | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Emergency Salvage of Wet Photographs | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Emergency Treatment For Water-Soaked Furniture And Wooden Objects | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Environmental Conditions | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Federal Historic Tax Credit Instructions | Historic Preservation | The historic rehabilitation tax credits are available for any qualified project that the Secretary of the Interior designates as a certified rehabilitation of a certified historic structure. This website from the National Park Service will walk you through the process. | Website | historic-preservation | ||
Fine Art Shippers | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Flat Packing for Shipping | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Flat Textiles, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Four-Flap Enclosures | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Framers | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Frames, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Freeze Drying Wet Books and Records | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Furniture, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Garments, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Glass and Ceramics, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Historic Firearms, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Historic Preservation Listserv | Historic Preservation | This service allows you to subscribe or unsubscribe to the HN-HISTORICPRESERVATION list. | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Historic Tax Credit Storymap | Historic Preservation | This digital experience explains the value of the Historic Tax Credit Program and provides a list of projects that utilized the tax credit. | Interactive Storymap | historic-preservation | ||
Historic Tax Incentive Webinar | Historic Preservation | Video | historic-preservation | |||
Historic Windows: To Replace or Not Replace | Historic Preservation | Video | historic-preservation | |||
Housing Native American Artifacts | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
How do archeologists know where to dig | Archeology | Video | archeology | |||
How to Apply for a National Register Designation | Historic Preservation | This document from the Department of the Interior outlines the evaluation process and criteria for evaluating a building, structure, object, site, or district for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
Integrated Pest Management | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Internal Supports for Leggings | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Iron Alloy Objects, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Lamination | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Materials Guidelines | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Matting and Framing | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Moccasin Supports | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Mold Remediation | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
National Register of Historic Places Map | Historic Preservation | Use this map of Nebraska to find and research the locations registered in the National Register of Historic Places. | Interactive Map | historic-preservation | ||
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form | Historic Preservation | This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. | Form | historic-preservation | ||
National Register Preliminary Eligibility Form | Historic Preservation | Individuals and communities can nominate properties as historical touchstones to a shared history. Interested parties may fill out this form to begin the process. | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Nebraska Historic Tax Credit Online Application Instructions | Historic Preservation | The Nebraska Historic Tax Credit (NHTC) is a program administered by the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office (NeSHPO) along with the Nebraska Department of Revenue. This document will explain the program and the process for applying. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
Nebraska Statehood Day Kahoot | Education | How well do you know Nebraska? Test yourself with this kahoot! | Kahoot | Fourth Grade, Third Grade | education | |
Nebraska’s Unique Unicameral | Education | Nebraska’s state government is very unique. Find out how much you know about our Unicameral! | Kahoot | Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade | education | |
Newspaper, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Not Too Far Distant Chart Analysis | Education | Teach your students to use charts and data in their historical research. Use historical data from WWII to create information charts and analyze this information using our graphic organizers. | Lesson Plan | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Seventh Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
Not Too Far Distant Image Analysis Lesson Plan | Education | Analyze images relating to WWII using our image analysis guide. | Lesson Plan | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Seventh Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
Not Too Far Distant Letter Analysis Lesson Plan | Education | Analyze the WWII letters of army medic Clarence Williams, who helped liberate Dachau. The lesson includes a letter analysis graphic organizer and four documents. | Lesson Plan | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Seventh Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
Not Too Far Distant Letters | Education | Read or listen to the WWII letters of Army medic Clarence Williams using this interactive lesson. Use with our “Not Too Far Distant Letters” lesson plan. | Interactive Lesson | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Seventh Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
Not Too Far Distant Song Analysis Lesson Plan | Education | Explore and analyze WWII songs using our song analysis graphic organizer and materials. | Lesson Plan | Eighth Grade, Eleventh Grade, Ninth Grade, Seventh Grade, Tenth Grade, Twelfth Grade | education | |
Object Handling | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Organic Materials, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Outdoor Sculpture, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Paintings, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Photographs, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Photomechanical Reproductions | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Project Review Form for Dept of Economic Development Programs | Historic Preservation | Submission of a completed Project Information Form with adequate information and attachments constitutes a request for review per applicable program guidelines. Grant assistance involving the “preservation, restoration, conversion, rehabilitation, or reuse of a historic building or district requires Applicants to submit a project review request to the State Historic Preservation Office. The State Historic Preservation Officer shall evaluate the work as proposed in the application to determine whether it conforms to the United States Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.” Such determinations are finalized with this form. Applicants must include this form and any attachments thereof to notify DED of the determination. “ | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Project Review Form for Dept of Environment and Energy Programs | Historic Preservation | Submission of a completed Project Information Form with adequate information and attachments constitutes a request for review per applicable program guidelines. Grant assistance involving the demolition of a commercial property within the corporate limits of a city or village requires Applicants to submit a project review request to the State Historic Preservation Office. The State Historic Preservation Officer (NESHPO) shall evaluate the historic status of the property determining whether or not it is listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Such determinations are finalized with this form. Applicants must include this form and any attachments thereof to notify NDEE of the property’s historic status. | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Read All About It: Black History Month (Adults) | Education | Suggested reading for Black History Month curated for adult readers. | Book Lists | Age 18+ | education | |
Read All About It: Black History Month (Students) | Education | Suggested reading for Black History Month curated for K-12 students. | Book Lists | K-12 Grade | education | |
Read All About It: George Norris (Adults) | Education | Suggested reading about George Norris curated for adult readers. | Book Lists | Age 18+ | education | |
Read All About It: George Norris (Students) | Education | Suggested reading about George Norris curated for K-12 students. | Book Lists | K-12 Grade | education | |
Reducing Odors | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Salvage Procedures for Wet Items | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Section 106 Review and Compliance Form | Historic Preservation | Submitting a completed Project Information Form with adequate information and attachments constitutes a request for review pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended). | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Section 106 Webinar | Historic Preservation | Video | historic-preservation | |||
Silver, Caring for | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Standing Structure Survey Webinar | Historic Preservation | Video | historic-preservation | |||
Support Trays and Arrow Storage | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
The Economic Benefits of Well Maintained Courthouses | Historic Preservation | Video | historic-preservation | |||
Time Capsules | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Tom Powers, Cattleman James E Newsome, U P Porter | This article not available online at this time. | |||||
Uncovering Nebraska History with Archeological Excavation | Archeology | Video | archeology | |||
Valuation Incentive Program (VIP) Application Form | Historic Preservation | This form is for use for qualifying properties that are so designated as “Historically Significant Real Property.” | Form | historic-preservation | ||
Valuation Incentive Program (VIP) Instructions | Historic Preservation | The Valuation Incentive Program (VIP) is administered by the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office (NeSHPO). It promotes the rehabilitation and reuse of historically significant properties by freezing the assessed value of the property for eight years. This document provides instructions on the program. | Document | historic-preservation | ||
What are Museums? | Education | What are museums? Use this interactive slideshow to prepare for your museum visit. Learn about different types of museums, how museums care for artifacts, and more! | Interactive Lesson | Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Third Grade | education | |
What to Do When Collections Get Wet | Conservation | These free collections care documents and resources can help families, cultural heritage institutions, and private collectors preserve their artifacts for generations to come. The conservators at the Ford Conservation Center have created these resources with partial support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). These views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the IMLS. If you or someone you know find yourself needing the opinion or work of an expert, please feel free to contact us at the Gerald Ford Conservation Center. | How-To | conservation | ||
Who is George W. Norris? | Education | January 5th is George Norris Day in Nebraska! How much do you know about this famous Nebraskan? Test your knowledge in this Kahoot created by the NSHS Education Team! | Kahoot | Fourth Grade | education |
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