Organizational Records
The Nebraska State Historical Society Archives holds some records of Nebraska organizations and associations. These collections cover nearly every aspect of life in Nebraska, from ethnic heritage to political activity, education to environmentalism. Both local and statewide groups are represented, but these often reflect Nebraska activity on both national and international issues. For more information about any of the collections listed below, please contact our Reference Services department.
314th Motor Supply Train, Co. F, Reunion Collection [RG5846]
Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska (ACEAN) [RG5639]
Advertising-Selling League of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3578]
AIA Nebraska [RG5606]
Albion History and Art Club (Albion, Neb.) [RG0853]
Albion Public Schools (Albion, Neb.) [RG0850]
Altrusa International Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1749]
Amaranthus Grand Chapter of Nebraska Eastern Star (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4250]
American Antiquities Society (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3416]
American Association of University Women, Hastings Branch (Hastings, Neb.) [RG1602]
American Association of University Women, Lincoln Branch (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2666] (PDF)
American Association of University Women, Nebraska Division (Nebraska) [RG2333] (PDF)
American Association of University Women, Superior Branch (Superior, Neb.) [RG2667] (PDF)
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions [RG5537]
American Civil Liberties Union, Nebraska (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5490]
American Dairy Assocation / Dairy Council of Nebraska [RG5916] (PDF)
American Legion Auxiliary (Niobrara, Neb.) [RG3418]
American Legion, Nebraska Department (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2959] (PDF)
American Mothers Committee, Nebraska Committee [RG3979]
American Red Cross, Stockholm Branch Chapter (Fillmore County, Neb.) [RG5855] (PDF)
American Volga Relief Society (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4879]
American War Dads Auxiliary (Fremont, Neb.) [RG3265]
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Neb.) [RG5238]
Ancient Order of Hibernians (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4390]
Ancient Order of United Workmen (Alexandria, Neb.) [RG3579]
Ancient Order of United Workmen (Culbertson, Neb.) [RG6274]
Ancient Order of United Workmen (Fairbury, Neb.) [RG3750]
Ancient Order of United Workmen, Grand Lodge of Nebraska [RG5536]
Ancient Order of United Workmen (Kearney, Neb.) [RG1055]
Antelope County Building & Loan Association (Elgin, Neb.) [RG3537]
Anti-Apartheid Coalition of Nebraska [RG5770]
Anti-Saloon League of Nebraska [RG0755]
Arbor Kensington (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5099]
Arts Are Basic (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6084]
Associated Industries of Nebraska (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3710]
Association of Commonwealth Claimants (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3984] (PDF)
Association of Past Grand Masters of Nebraska [RG5045]
Athenea Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3807]
Beatrice Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG2946] (PDF)
Beaver Creek Cemetery (Webster County, Neb.) [RG4573]
Bellevue College (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG3457]
Bellevue Land Claim Association (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG1542]
Bellevue Settlers Club (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG0804]
Blair Literary Society (Blair, Neb.) [RG3210]
Brownville Literary Circle (Brownville, Neb.) [RG0819]
Builders of Nebraska Hall of Fame (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3766]
Burlington Route, Lines West Band (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3549]
Burwell Rodeo (Burwell, Neb.) [RG0838]
Camp Fire (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1632]
Candle Light Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5820] (PDF)
Cass County Agricultural Society (Cass County, Neb.) [RG0847]
Children of the American Revolution (Neb.) [RG1200]
Citizens Against Racism and Prejudice (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1583]
Clarkson Local Legacy Project (Clarkson, Neb.) [RG5194]
Clear Creek Cooperative Association (Pawnee County, Neb.) [RG1400]
Clinton Neighborhood Organization (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5596]
Community Woman’s Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4992]
Cornhusker State Games (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0765]
Cotner College (Bethany, Neb.) [RG4065]
Cottage Homemakers Extension Club (Elmwood, Neb.) [RG5443]
County Files Collection [RG6261]
Crete Bryan Club (Crete, Neb.) [RG3189]
Cuming City Cemetery Association (Cuming City, Neb.) [RG0926]
Cushman Club of America [RG4598]
Custer County Centennial (Custer County, Neb.) [RG1388]
Czech Fraternal Organizations (Neb.) [RG1471]
Czechoslovansky Cemetery (Ravenna, Neb.) [RG3454]
Dakota County Pioneers’ and Old Settlers’ Association (Dakota County, Neb.) [RG3919]
Daughters of Colonial Wars. Nebraska Chapter [RG1623]
Daughters of the American Colonists (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3041]
Daughters of the American Revolution (Neb.) [RG3823] (PDF)
Davey Centennial (Davey, Neb.) [RG0935]
Davey Woman’s Club (Davey, Neb.) [RG5565]
Dawson County Historical Society (Lexington, Neb.) [RG2703]
Delta Kappa Gamma, Zeta Chapter (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3098]
“Echo of the West,” handwritten school paper (Omaha, Neb.) [RG0974]
Evening Optimist Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3675]
Fair Plains Cemetery Association (Hitchcock County, Neb.) [RG1557]
Fairbury Woman’s Club (Fairbury, Neb.) [RG1559]
Fairfield College (Fairfield, Neb.) [RG3166]
Fairview Restoration (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4262]
Fairview School (Elmwood, Neb.) [RG5634]
Falls City Circle #238 of the Royal Circle (Falls City, Neb.) [RG5631]
Family Frolics (McCook, Neb.) [RG5609]
Farmer’s Club (Seward, Neb.) [RG0773]
Farmers’ Holiday Association (Neb.) [RG0986]
Farmers Institutes (Neb.) [RG0987]
Farmers Minutemen of Nebraska (Neb.) [RG0989]
Farmers’ Union Cooperative Association (Newman Grove, Neb.) [RG4115]
Farmers’ Wives Club (Wausa, Neb.) [RG4136]
Fifty Year Club of Burd’s School District 38 (Lancaster County, Neb.) [RG4083]
Fillmore County Historical Society (Fillmore County, Neb.) [RG3592]
“Footprints in Blood,” 1979 [RG1002]
Forest Lawn Cemetery (Omaha, Neb.) [RG0702]
Fort Kearny (Neb.) Collection [RG2102]
Fort Robinson (Neb.) Reference Collection [RG1517] (PDF)
Fort Robinson Association (Crawford, Neb.) [RG5572]
Fortnightly Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5947] (PDF)
Forts (Neb.) [RG1004]
Forward League (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4024]
Four-H (4-H) [RG4364]
Franklin Academy (Franklin, Neb.) [RG3272]
Free School Advocate (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4298]
Fremont Normal School and Business Institute (Fremont, Neb.) [RG1032]
Friends Cemetery Association of Platte County (Monroe, Neb.) [RG2429]
Friends of Fairview (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4137]
Friends of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial (Neb.) [RG5713]
Friends of Wilderness Park (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6115]
Friendship Force of Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5589]
Garden County Historical Society (Oshkosh, Neb.) [RG4350]
Gates College (Neligh, Neb.) [RG4331]
Gathering Place (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5226]
Golden Spike Days (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1035]
Goodtime Dancers (North Platte, Neb.) [RG5608]
Grand Army of the Republic, Ladies Auxiliary, Lincoln Circle #36 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5582]
Grand York Rite of Nebraska [RG0868]
Great Plains Trails Network (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5951] (PDF)
Greater Omaha Detachment Marine Corps League (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5377]
Hall in the Grove Society (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3409]
Handweavers Guild of Lincoln, Nebraska, The [RG6053]
Harlan County Pioneers and Old Settlers Association (Harlan County, Neb.) [RG3606]
Harmony Cemetery Association (Fillmore County, Neb.) [RG4072]
Harrison Ladies Community Club (Harrison, Sioux County, Neb.) [RG3552]
Hartley Parent-Teacher Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5114]
Havelock Farmers’ Institute (Havelock, Neb.) [RG1618]
Hawthorne School PTA (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4185]
Hellenic Chautauqua Circle (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3586]
Helping Hand Aid Society of the Sunny Hill Community (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG1081]
Helvas Canyon (Scotts Bluff County, Neb.) [RG1082]
Hemlock Nebraska [RG5082]
Heritage League (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5923] (PDF)
Hickman Cemetery Association (Hickman, Neb.) [RG1086]
Holistic Resource Management, Center for (Nebraska Branch) [RG5695]
Home for the Friendless Auxiliary (Valparaiso, Neb.) [RG1094]
Humboldt Bryan Club (Humboldt, Neb.) [RG1100]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Lodge of Nebraska [RG5409]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 54 (Fairbury, Neb.) [RG1105]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 65 (Geneva, Neb.) [RG1278]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 194 (Shickley, Neb.) [RG1278]
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Silver Link Rebeka Lodge No. 14 (Geneva, Neb.) [RG1279]
Industrial Workers of the World (Neb.) [RG1106]
Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska [RG3576]
International Center (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0734]
International Women’s Group (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5595]
International Women’s Year, Nebraska Coalition (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4129]
Irish Self-Determination Club of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1107]
Izaak Walton League, Columbus Chapter (Columbus, Neb.) [RG5322]
Jackson High School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5374]
January 12, 1888 Blizzard Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3658]
Jensen-Petersen-Elkjer Family Association [RG5935] (PDF)
Jewish Community Center (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4209]
Johnson County Extension Service (Johnson County, Neb.) [RG1111]
Josef Jungman Literary Society (Valley County, Neb.) [RG1621]
Junior Achievement of Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4027]
Justice, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4134]
Kearney County Land Association (Minden, Neb.) [RG1116]
Kiwanis Club of Lincoln – Golden K (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5539]
Knights of Pythias, Lodge #16 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3679]
Knights Templar, Cyrene Commandery #14 (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG3995]
Labor Temple Building Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5693]
Ladies Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Conductors (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4091]
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of World War I, Barracks no. 1485 (Falls City, Neb.) [RG6273]
Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of World War I, Department of Nebraska [RG5510]
Ladies Library Association (Taylor, Neb.) [RG1176]
Ladies Welfare Society (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG3923]
Lancaster Association for Retarded Children (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4203]
Lancaster County Activities Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4131]
Lancaster County Agricultural Society (Lancaster County, Neb.) [RG1150]
Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4201]
Lancaster County Humane Society (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4941]
Lancaster County Medical Alliance (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1629]
League of Women Voters of Nebraska [RG1987] (PDF)
Lincoln Air Force Base U.S.O. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1162]
Lincoln Athletics (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3495]
Lincoln Aviation Institute (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2153] (PDF)
Lincoln Callers Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4233]
Lincoln Centennial Corporation (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4473] (Restricted until 2059)
Lincoln Chamber of Commerce (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4472]
Lincoln Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6113]
Lincoln Council of Square and Round Dance Clubs (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5968] (PDF)
Lincoln Dinner Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4132]
Lincoln Fellowship of Churches (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3701]
Lincoln Film Forum Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3641]
Lincoln Foundation (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3427]
Lincoln General Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1836]
Lincoln High School 1930 Graduating Class Reunion (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4075]
Lincoln Interfaith Council (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3701]
Lincoln Legion of Lesbians (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6112]
Lincoln Library Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3694]
Lincoln Little Chiefs Baseball Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1165]
Lincoln Municipal Band (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1166]
Lincoln Music Teachers Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3948]
Lincoln Natural Resource Conservation Service Retirees Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6276]
Lincoln Naturalists’ Club / Audubon Naturalists’ Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5320]
Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4168]
Lincoln Rotary Club 14 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6102]
Lincoln Stamp Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1178]
Lincoln Story Tellers’ League (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3728]
Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4514]
Lincoln University Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1180]
Lincoln Woman’s Bowling Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1181]
Lincoln Women’s Chamber of Commerce (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5970] (PDF)
Lincolnettes (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1182]
Literary Circle (Plattsmouth, Neb.) [RG1185]
Long Pine Chautauqua (Long Pine, Neb.) [RG5619]
Lotos Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5069]
Louisville High School (Louisville, Neb.) [RG5445]
Madison County Historical Society (Madison, Neb.) [RG1614]
Malcolm Methodist Cemetery (Malcolm, Neb.) [RG1210]
Manuscript Map Collection [RG6109]
Martin Luther Home Society, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5481]
Memorial Building Association (Nebraska City, Neb.) [RG1391]
Midway City Building and Loan Association (Kearney, Neb.) [RG3770]
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Nebraska Commandery (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3657]
Military Waiting Wives Club of Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3651]
Milligan Auditorium Corporation (Milligan, Neb.) [RG5028]
Minatare Dam (Scotts Bluff County, Neb.) [RG5763]
Minatare Irrigation Canal (Minatare, Neb.) [RG4293]
Modern Mothers Club (Elmwood, Neb.) [RG5767]
Modern Woodmen of America (Neb.) [RG3202]
Monday Afternoon Club (Blair, Neb.) [RG5661]
Music Programs Collection (Neb.) [RG5647] (PDF)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1254]
National Association of American Balloon Corps Veterans [RG0906]
National Association of Postmasters of the United States (NAPUS), Nebraska Chapter [RG5622] (PDF)
National Corn Exposition (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5325]
National League of American Pen Women, Inc. (Neb.) [RG1645]
National Livestock Feeders Association [RG1966]
National Organization for Women (NOW), Nebraska Chapter (Neb.) [RG5219]
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Nebraska [RG6143]
National Urban League (Omaha and Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3957]
Native Sons and Daughters of Nebraska (Neb.) [RG1119]
Nebraska 150 Foundation [RG6116]
Nebraska Association (Gage County, Neb.) [RG3387]
Nebraska Association of Church Colleges [RG3587]
Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO) [RG6124]
Nebraska Asteroid [RG5232]
Nebraska Broadcasters Association [RG3735]
Nebraska C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps) Vets. (Neb.) [RG1569]
Nebraska Chamber Orchestra Guild [RG1625]
Nebraska Children’s Home Society (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5472]
Nebraska Citizens Council, Inc. (Neb.) [RG5549]
Nebraska City High School (Nebraska City, Neb.) [RG1237]
Nebraska Coalition for Women [RG6114]
Nebraska Community Blood Bank (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6104]
Nebraska Congress of Parents and Teachers [RG4111]
Nebraska Council of Home Extension Clubs (Neb.) [RG4019]
Nebraska Council of Youth (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5454]
Nebraska Czechs Incorporated (Neb.) [RG1587]
Nebraska Dietetic Association (Neb.) [RG4078]
Nebraska Dry Federation [RG1257]
Nebraska Educational Office Professionals Association (NEOPA) [RG4052]
Nebraska Engineering Society [RG1258]
Nebraska Environmental Coalition [RG4164]
Nebraska Farm Bureau Women [RG5568]
Nebraska Farmers’ Alliance [RG2623]
Nebraska Farmers’ Alliance (Guide to Microfilm) [RG2623]
Nebraska Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs [RG1565]
Nebraska Federation of Women’s Clubs (NFWC) [RG1977] (PDF)
Nebraska Flying Farmers and Ranchers [RG0914]
Nebraska Folklife Center [RG4798]
Nebraska Freeze (Neb.) [RG5225]
Nebraska Genealogical Society (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1390]
Nebraska Geological Society [RG3999]
Nebraska Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons (Neb.) [RG5417]
Nebraska History Network (Neb.) [RG5235]
Nebraska I-80 Bicentennial Sculpture Corporation [RG1858]
Nebraska Jaycee Women [RG0759]
Nebraska Legislative Ladies League (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3814]
Nebraska Library Association [RG3528]
Nebraska Memorial Association (Neb.) [RG3908]
Nebraska Mosquito and Vector Control Association [RG4130]
Nebraska Museums Association (Neb.) [RG1619]
Nebraska Museums Coalition [RG4120]
Nebraska Museums Roundtable (Neb.) [RG5096]
Nebraska Music Teachers Association (Neb.) [RG5782]
Nebraska Peace Council [RG0718]
Nebraska Power Company, Women’s Division [RG5465]
Nebraska Press Association [RG1260]
Nebraska Press Women [RG5840]
Nebraska Prison Association [RG1261]
Nebraska Prosperity League [RG0758]
Nebraska Quilt Project [RG2043]
Nebraska Recreation and Parks Association [RG4058]
Nebraska Schoolmasters’ Club [RG5078]
Nebraska Society of Ethnology and Folklore (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4388]
Nebraska State AFL-CIO (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3973]
Nebraska State Agricultural Associations [RG1263]
Nebraska State Bar Association [RG1264]
Nebraska State Board of Real Estate Agents [RG1265]
Nebraska State Building and Loan Association (Fremont, Neb.) [RG0848]
Nebraska State Checker Association [RG1660]
Nebraska State Chess Association [RG5588]
Nebraska State Choral Association [RG1268]
Nebraska State Dental Society [RG6138]
Nebraska State Education Association [RG3577]
Nebraska State Square and Round Dance Association [RG5583]
Nebraska State Women’s Invitational Golf Association [RG3670]
Nebraska Territorial Pioneers Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4318]
Nebraska University (Fontanelle, Neb.) [RG4335]
Nebraska Water Resources Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6136]
Nebraska Weather Service [RG0791]
Nebraska Welfare Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4531]
Nebraska Woman Suffrage Association [RG1073]
Nebraska Women’s Foundation, Inc. [RG6249]
Nebraska Writers Guild [RG3557]
NEBRASKAland Foundation [RG5714] (PDF)
Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty [RG5699]
Nebraskans for Peace (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4237]
“Nebraskans in Film” Project [RG1755]
Nebraskans of Irish and Scotch-Irish Ancestry (NISIA) [RG5550]
Neihardt Foundation (Bancroft, Neb.) [RG5104]
Nemaha County Agricultural and Mechanical Association (Brownville, Neb.) [RG1270]
Non-Partisan League (Neb.) [RG2314]
Noon-Day Club (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1275]
Norden Club Project (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2030] (PDF)
North Bluff Extension Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5626] (PDF)
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2502] (PDF)
North Star Relief Society (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5387]
Old Settlers Association of Antelope County (Antelope County, Neb.) [RG0855]
Old Settlers Association of Cass and Adjoining Counties (Cass County, Neb.) [RG3433]
Old Settlers Association of Washington County (Washington County, Neb.) [RG1286]
Old Settlers Club (Otoe County, Neb.) [RG1291]
Old Settlers’ Meeting (Polk County, Neb.) [RG1287]
“Oldest Farmer Contest,” Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4296]
Omaha Action (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1861]
Omaha Council No. 1, Royal and Select Masons (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5043]
Omaha Marine Dad’s Club, Inc. (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3392]
Omaha Philosophical Society (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4294]
Omaha Woman’s Press Club (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1710]
Open Forum Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6236]
Operative Plasterers and Cement Finishers Association, Local #22 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4223]
Opti-Mrs. Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5407]
Oregon Trail Memorial Commission (Neb.) [RG2347]
Otoe County Centennial Committee (Otoe County, Neb.) [RG3525]
Outlook Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5560]
Paddywhack (Irish band) [RG6055]
Palmyra, Nebraska, A History of [RG1309]
Parent Teachers Association (Waverly, Neb.) [RG1510]
Parents and Teachers Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3388]
Patrons of Husbandry, Nebraska State Grange [RG4344]
Pawnee County School Districts (Pawnee County, Neb.) [RG1628]
Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, Nebraska Chapter [RG5541]
People’s City Mission (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5558]
Philomathian Literary Society (Seward, Neb.) [RG1280]
Pi Tau Delta Fraternity (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5666] (PDF)
Pioneer Association of Douglas County (Douglas County, Neb.) [RG1317]
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1622]
Pioneers and Old Settlers Association (Burt County, Neb.) [RG0854]
Pioneers of the West [RG1318]
Plum Creek Station (West of Ft. Kearny, Neb.) [RG1319]
Pony Express [RG2409] (PDF)
Postsecondary Educational Libraries and Resource Centers of Nebraska (PELARCON) [RG5690]
Prairie Peace Park (Lancaster County, Neb.) [RG5227]
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4244]
Professional Secretaries International, Nebraska-South Dakota Division [RG4222]
Quill, The (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3737]
Quilt Preservation Project (Neb.) [RG5362]
Randolph Elementary School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5311]
Rose Hill Cemetery Association (Grant Precinct, Gage County, Neb.) [RG1340]
Rose Hill Cemetery Association (Waverly, Neb.) [RG1590]
Round Table Club (Crete, Neb.) [RG4266]
Royal Arch Masons, Bellevue Chapter #7 (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5044]
Royal Highlanders (Aurora, Neb.) [RG3962]
Saline County Building Association (Saline County, Neb.) [RG1470]
Santee Agency (Santee, Neb.) [RG1368]
Santee Normal Training School (Santee, Neb.) [RG2497]
Sarpy County Agricultural Society (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG4523]
Sarpy County Historical Society (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG2425]
Seward Amusement Association (Seward, Neb.) [RG3571]
Sierra Club, Bluestem Group (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3390] (PDF)
Sierra Club, Nebraska Chapter (Neb.) [RG5477]
Social Settlement Association of Omaha (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5337]
Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Southeast Nebraska Chapter #222 [RG4071]
Society of the 355th Infantry, 89th Division, “The Nebraska Regiment” [RG4000]
Sod House Construction Instructions [RG2034]
Sokol South Omaha Local History Project Collection [RG5540]
Soldiers and Sailors Organizations. Non-Nebraskans in Nebraska [RG2040]
Sons of Temperance, Louden Division #27 (Plum Creek, Neb.) [RG3970]
Sons of the American Revolution, Nebraska Society (Neb.) [RG2569]
Sorosis Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4278]
South Central Nebraska Czech Society (Hastings and South Central, Neb.) [RG1570]
South Salt Creek Community Organization (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5602]
Southern Nebraska Schoolmen’s Club [RG0831]
Spring Valley Grange (Douglas County, Neb.) [RG5467]
St. Agnes Academy (Alliance, Neb.) [RG3871]
St. David’s Welsh Society of Nebraska [RG4680]
Table Rock (Neb.) [RG1456]
Table Rock Historical Society (Table Rock, Neb.) [RG4253]
Theater Programs (Neb.) Collection [RG3673]
Thursday Morning Lecture Circle (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3765]
Tothill Cemetery Association (Davey, Neb.) [RG5522]
Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition (Omaha, Neb.) [RG2752]
Tribute to Nebraska (Radio show) [RG1469]
U.S. Army Mothers. Nebraska Department [RG3739]
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 33-02 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5950] (PDF)
U.S.S. Nebraska (Battleship) [RG0725]
U.S.S. Omaha (Steamship) [RG5382]
Union Club (Brownville, Neb.) [RG4524]
Union College (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2757]
Unions Collection [RG2005]
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Nebraska Division [RG1486]
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Omaha Chapter [RG5989] (PDF)
United Service Organization (Neb.) [RG1331]
United States Civilian Conservation Corps, C.C.C. (Neb.) [RG1491]
United War Fund of Nebraska, Inc. (Neb.) [RG3262]
University Place Bird Club (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3506]
University Place Business Men’s Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6207]
University Place Home Guard (University Place, Neb.) [RG5518]
University Place P.T.A. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2014]
Urban League of Nebraska (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5335]
Vertical Files [RG5000]
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post #854 (Fremont, Neb.) [RG2042]
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Nebraska [RG1494]
Veterans of World War I, Lincoln Barracks (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0754]
Waiters Club and Employment Bureau (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4280]
Washington County Time Capsule (Washington County, Neb.) [RG0766]
Waverly Cemetery Association (Waverly, Neb.) [RG2027]
Weeping Water Academy (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG3184]
Weeping Water Garden Club (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG3922]
Western Nebraska Square and Round Dance Association [RG5548]
Westerners International. Lincoln Corral (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5691]
Westside Methodist Church, RQ Club (Oakland, Neb.) [RG5008]
White Train Protest (Fairbury, Neb.) [RG1624]
Widows World War I, Inc., Nebraska Chapter #2 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1654]
Wildlife. Conservation (Neb.) [RG1520]
Wives of Railway Postal Clerks (W.R.P.C.) Club of Lincoln, Nebraska [RG5559]
Woman’s Bi-Metallic League (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0719]
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (Neb.) [RG1072]
Woman’s Home Missionary Society. Methodist Episcopal Church (Neb.) [RG5909.AM]
Woman’s Relief Corps. Belknap Relief Corps No. 192 (University Place, Neb.) [RG5498]
Woman’s Relief Corps. Elliot Relief Corps No. 12 (Davenport, Neb.) [RG6146]
Woman’s Relief Corps. Farragut Relief Corps No. 10 (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2629]
Woman’s Relief Corps. Reno Relief Corps No. 93 (Lexington, Neb.) [RG3967]
Woman’s Relief Corps. Russell Relief Corps No. 86 (Fairbury, Neb.) [RG5971] (PDF)
Woman’s Relief Corps. U.S. Grant Corps No. 104 (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3580]
Women’s Inter-Club Council of Lincoln (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4073]
Women’s Overseas Service League (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1934] (PDF)
Woods Park Neighborhood Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6149]
Wyuka Cemetery (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2851]
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) (Neb.) [RG4370]
Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4108]
Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3751]
Zetetic Club (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG4513]
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