Nebraska State Historical Society


Who We Are

The Nebraska State Historical Society publishes works that explore Nebraska history and culture. Our readers range from professional historians to history buffs to curious people who simply find that learning about the past helps them better enjoy living and traveling here. We all share a passion for well-crafted historical writing.

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"Nebraska Timeline" Columns

From 1992 – 2019, the Nebraska State Historical Society wrote a series of articles for newspapers titled “Nebraska Timeline.” Below you can browse or search through those articles and discover interesting stories from Nebraska’s History.

The Search for Better Babies

"If better live stock, why not better babies?" asked a member of the Grange in the pages of the Farm Journal (Philadelphia) in December of 1913. It was a natural ...

The Shoemaker’s Ashes

"Edward Kuehl, one of the most peculiar characters that ever lived in Omaha, or anywhere else, was found dead in his bed last night in the back room of his place of ...

The Squatter Governor’s Inaugural Address

Times may have been rough in Nebraska's territorial days, but settlers tried to find humor in adversity. Then as now, politics were sometimes a laughing matter. In 1857, ...

The Stage Ride

Vacationers heading towards Nebraska's Pine Ridge, and the Black Hills beyond, have theprospect of a pleasant journey through spectacular scenery. The trip hasn't always ...

The Wild West in 1902

In an age of great showmen and traveling entertainers, William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody's Wild West eventually became a moving extravaganza, including not only cowboys and ...

The Wild, Wild West

The wild and wooly American West has been fodder for stories, dime novels, comic books,motion pictures, and television programs. Many fictionalized accounts exaggerate ...

Thomas E. Calvert and the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad

Thomas E. Calvert, an engineer at the time the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad was built in Nebraska, described briefly the construction of the road in an 1898 ...

Thomas J. Majors

Thomas J. Majors (1841-1932) of Nemaha County was a pioneer soldier and farmer who served in the Nebraska territorial and state legislatures; in Congress; and as ...

Those Fish Stories

Improbable fishing yarns have been around as long as fish and fishing. The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal in the summer of 1907 reported an escalating series of such tales ...

Those Jitneys!

The advent of the automobile changed transportation for many Nebraskans. In larger communities, even if you couldn't afford a car, you could buy a ride in a taxi, or ...

Those Selfish Young Men

A daily newspaper's Sunday edition once covered local social news and trends in more detail than was possible during the week. The Sunday Morning Call (Lincoln), on May ...

Timber Culture Act of 1873

Of all the land laws affecting Nebraska, the Timber Culture Act of 1873, designed to promote the planting of trees, was perhaps the least successful and subject to many ...

Contact Us

David Bristow | Publications
Nebraska State Historical Society
1500 R St
Lincoln, NE 68508
[email protected]

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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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