Nebraska State Historical Society


Who We Are

The Nebraska State Historical Society publishes works that explore Nebraska history and culture. Our readers range from professional historians to history buffs to curious people who simply find that learning about the past helps them better enjoy living and traveling here. We all share a passion for well-crafted historical writing.

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"Nebraska Timeline" Columns

From 1992 – 2019, the Nebraska State Historical Society wrote a series of articles for newspapers titled “Nebraska Timeline.” Below you can browse or search through those articles and discover interesting stories from Nebraska’s History.

Wedding Customs

"Last summer I had the good fortune to spend a few weeks on a ranch in Northern Nebraska," wrote H. W., a student of Omaha High School in the school's High School ...

Wedding in Photography Studio

The September 23, 1884, issue of The Daily State Journal at Lincoln included the following account of a local wedding: "Late Saturday evening H. E. Noble, the artist, ...

Wedding of Mollie Dorsey Sanford

Wedding ceremonies and receptions during territorial days in Nebraska were of necessity varied and made use of whatever was available to the prospective bride and groom. ...

Weddings in Seward County

Nebraska newspapers have been the subject of a number of reminiscences published in Nebraska History over the years. The September 1951 issue included the experiences of ...

Well Digging, by F. J. Coil

Old, deteriorating wells in early Nebraska were dangerous for the unwary. An accidental fall into such a well was described in Nebraska History (January-March 1943) by ...

Well Digging, by Henry Sands

Few jobs in early Nebraska required more courage than that of a well digger. Henry Sands of Nebraska City related some of his narrow escapes to the editor of ...

Wentworth’s Elk

Omaha Barracks in January of 1873 was the home of "A Novel Team, Two Elegant Elks . . . Trained to Travel in Harness," according to the January 21, 1873 issue of ...

What Are Legitimate Features of the Fair?

Sideshows have become institutions at most fairs--so much so that it just wouldn't seem like the fair without "the amazing two-headed calf." A hundred years ago, when ...

What Did You Do in the War?

What did you do in the war? That's the question researchers at the Nebraska State HistoricalSociety are trying to answer. In preparation for an exhibit on World War II, ...

When It Absolutely Had to be There Overnight

Modern shipping companies pride themselves on prompt, reliable delivery service, whatever the weather. But few of them could match the phenomenal performance of this ...

When Parks Were a New Idea

Amy Nesbit at Cushman Park, four miles west of Lincoln, 1895. RG716-21-8 Should cities and states set aside some land for public recreation? Today that seems like an ...

When Railroads Promoted Immigration (Updated August 2018)

Railroads used to be Nebraska’s biggest promoters. They even advertised overseas to encourage people to immigrate to Nebraska. By the 1870s the Union Pacific and the ...

Contact Us

David Bristow | Publications
Nebraska State Historical Society
1500 R St
Lincoln, NE 68508
[email protected]

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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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