Nebraska State Historical Society


Who We Are

The Nebraska State Historical Society publishes works that explore Nebraska history and culture. Our readers range from professional historians to history buffs to curious people who simply find that learning about the past helps them better enjoy living and traveling here. We all share a passion for well-crafted historical writing.

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"Nebraska Timeline" Columns

From 1992 – 2019, the Nebraska State Historical Society wrote a series of articles for newspapers titled “Nebraska Timeline.” Below you can browse or search through those articles and discover interesting stories from Nebraska’s History.

World’s Columbian Exposition – The Nebraska Building

The World's Columbian Exposition, commemorating the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, was opened May 1, 1898, in Chicago. The exposition's 150 buildings of ...

World’s Industrial and Cotton Exposition

The World's Industrial and Cotton Exposition opened in New Orleans on December 16, 1884. As the largest world's fair held in the United States to that date, it attracted ...

Worrall, Thomas

Thomas Worrall played an integral part in the struggle in Nebraska against monopoly in the grain trade. His forceful book, The Grain Trust Exposed (1905), as well as a ...

Young, Whitney, Jr.

Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive director of the National Urban League through the 1960s, was a leading U.S. civil rights leader during a turbulent era. Young helped ...

Younger, Cole

Tales abound of Frank and Jesse James visiting Nebraska during their outlaw careers, but few confirmed sightings of them or their gang exist. The files of the Omaha ...

Yuletide in Knox County

"The holidays passed off at this place very enjoyably considering the hard times," the editor of the Niobrara Pioneer observed late in December, 1874. Pioneering in ...

Zest for the New Year

Do you want to get more zest out of life in the New Year? These ten commandments for zestful living were offered during the 1930s, in the Valentine Civilian Conservation ...

Ziegfeld Girls

Ziegfeld's Follies, stage spectaculars mounted by Broadway impresario Florenz "Flo" Ziegfeld from 1907 through 1931, featured prominent composers, elaborate costumes and ...

Contact Us

David Bristow | Publications
Nebraska State Historical Society
1500 R St
Lincoln, NE 68508
[email protected]

Information Services:
Looking for research help? Contact Library/Archives, the Museum, or Education. The Publications division is an editorial office; we don’t have archival collections or reference staff here.

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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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Latest Hall of Fame Inductee

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